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Monday, 30 June 2014


3 Boat Trip's to the Inner Farne Island
To have loads of time with the Arctic tern's
hoping for some photo's that l could use for next years
Calendar or Just some head pecking shot's
that look funny as they chase you off their patch.

 Head picking

 This girl got the full works
 Arctic Egg
 Chick at a day or two
 At a week

 Guard post's

 Close up

PUFFIN's & Razorbill's

The Puffin's on most of the Islands at the Farnes
and the boat out & back puts them up the Puffins as it goes passed them
not as many as Skomer. a small amount of Razorbills about.



Sunday, 29 June 2014

Farne Island's

The breeding Shags population on the Inner Farne.
Is the closest l have ever got to as the rope across the cliff top
is inches from them with a few puffins Kittiwakes Razorbills
in the mix to.


Bempton Cliffe's

On the way up to the Farne Islands.
We Stopped at Bempton Cliff's RSPB.
To see the Gannet's as we knew that you get great views
of these birds here and in the morning sun we got good
views for the two hour stop we did. Before moving on to the Farne's.


Saturday, 28 June 2014

Eider's at the Farne Island's

Eiders in the Harbour
as you got to take a Photo
this Eider come to you
it makes pic's easier...

 Eider Chick's

 Female Eider
 Male Eider

Bridled Tern

On the Inner Farne Island
Friday 27th I got to see the Bridled Tern.
That sat out of sight the day before
watched it fly off twice over the other side
then re-found it back on the waters edge
not close but great to see with all the Terns
on this Super Island.

 Bridled Tern

 Bridled Tern